History of VirusScanList: ------------------------- Version 1.00 - 1.11 Never Released! Version: 1.12 Date: 13-11-94 Time: 12:51 - First release. 69 names. Version: 1.13 Date: 14-11-94 Time: 18:40 - 11 new names. 70 - 80 Version: 1.14 Date: 19-11-94 Time: 20:15 - No modifications to filenames & no new filenames! Version: 1.15 Date: 15-12-94 Time: 19:36 - 5 new names. 81 - 85 - 1 Modification & 2 additions. Filename 5b.KAIRO.EXE -> added Kiaro.exe (substitute). Filename 25b.anti_elien.lha -> added as the archive name. Filename 40 .Gzus001.lha -> New length of archive added. - Mail adresses now available! Write a message if u can. Version: 1.16 - Date: 26-12-94 - Time: 13:50 - 14 new names. 86 - 99 (88 T/M 97 are older, but check'em! anyway) - 12 modifications : Filename 3b bullet.lha -> added as archive name Filename 4. MERRY.EXE -> 2 lengths added Filename 12. Decompiler -> length added Filename 17. NoCare27.lha -> 2 lengths added Filename 30. God-j12.lha -> length is unknown (was wrong!) Filename 31. JiZaNSi 1.2 -> length is known now Filename 33. Disksalv 3.01 -> length added Filename 60b stock.rexx -> added as filename Filename 77b Mongo05.exe -> added as executable name Filename 77c Mongo09.exe -> added as executable name Filename 81. dpl-mam1.dms -> Stated these two are infected Filename 82. dpl-mam2.dms -> archives, NOT installers! - Did some serious text restyling, the mail version looks better now. - Changed all '.exe' files to (Executable) in 'Type' topic. - In 'History' only the last release modifications will be mentioned. - Added new bbs 'Grafix Attack' in 'Updates'. - Added 'Incubator' program in 'Killer Info'. - Changed 'Head Title'. B) - 'Thanx to' topic added. :) Version: 1.17 - Date: 14-01-95 - Time: 15:47 - 10 new names : 100 - 109 - No modifications to (V1.16) filenames. - VirusList is now available from Aminet : /Util/Virus - Copyright clarification made. NO changes mates! - New E-Mail addresses: AnimeNet & PentheMusicNet! - Ripped out 'Incubator' in 'Killer Info'. Crashes to often in Startup! - Added 'Info Format' for new filenames in 'Copyrights' topic. Version: 1.18 - Date: 22-02-95 - Time: 17:48 - 13 new names : 110 - 122 - 10 modifications to V1.17 filenames. 7. vmk30.lha -> Length added. 16. Dms213ur.lha -> Length added. 23. HD_Speedup.lha -> Length added. 30. God-j12.lha -> Length added. 41. messkill.lha -> Length added. 72. FJPEG111.lha -> Length added. 72b FJPEG_AGA -> Added as executable name. 83. Denistro.exe -> Extra info added. 103. cry_206.lha -> Length added. 104. Surprise.exe -> Length added. - Taken away AmyNet mail address, coz it's not reliable in Holland. :( - Added a 'History' list of all released versions (Archive version only) - 4 New contributors in 'Thanx to' topic. - Added 'Info Format' as a topic, it's a new format also! - Added 'E-Mail addresses' as a topic. - Added 'Contributions' as a topic. - New phonenumbers for 'Hardware BBS' in 'Updates' topic. - New 'Logo Head Title'. It's better, isn't it? :) Version: 1.19 - Date: 23-03-95 - Time: 19:37 - 15 new names : 123 - 137 - 2 modifications to V1.18 filenames. 51b AIBON Installer -> Name of installer added. 111. IStrip21.lha -> Length added. More 'Extra Info' available. - Vlist will no longer be uploaded to 'Data Control BBS'. - Enhanced statement at 'Copyrights' topic. Version: 1.20 - Date: 05-04-95 - Time: 17:14 - 30 new names : 138 - 167 (138 - 154 & 157 - 161 are older ones!) - 22 modifications to V1.19 filenames. 24. Clx_doom.lha -> Lenght deleted. Was wrong. 34. Descr40.lha -> Length added. 34b Descr40.exe -> Program name added. 35. Descriptor4.0 -> Length removed. 36. Z-Speed.lha -> Length added. 37. Zenith Modem Sp. -> Length removed. 38. Jeff-Viruskiller -> Extra length added. 39b Modemchecker1.1 -> Program name added with 2 lengths. 52b BlueBox -> Program name added. 53b Freedom -> Program name added. 56. xcopy65e.lha -> Additional info. 57. XCopyPro V6.5 -> Added new length. 58b ULOG.X -> Program name added. 66b MVK.exe -> Executable name added. 68b Virusblaster -> Program name added. 74. ATX-chat.lha -> Length changed, should be unknown. 74b M_Chat 2.3 -> Program name added. 75b AE-Registrator -> Program name added. 92. ToolsDaemon 2.2 -> Length added and extra info. 94. SnoopDos 1.9 -> Length added and extra info. 95. SnoopDos 2.1 -> Length added and extra info. 96. DWEdit 1.62 -> 2 Lengths and new info added. - VList is more complete now, concerning 'older' programs! - New echo's where you can find Vlist: Nla_Virus (Nla) & Amiga (Fido)! - Shortened the text a bit in the 'topic' fields! - Removed the 'What to do when..' topic. Version: 1.21 - Date: 09-05-95 - Time: 17:58 - 29 new names : 168 - 196 (178 - 179 & 190 - 191 are older ones!) - 15 modifications to V1.20 filenames. 9. VirusMemKill 3.00 -> Length added. 15. DMS 2.13 -> Length added. 47. MST-CF22.LHA -> Length added. 47b Conftop.000 -> Executable name added. 47c Conftop.020 -> Executable name added. 54. -p-turbo.dms -> Extra info. 55b LHAcheck -> Executable name added. 55c NC-LCHK!.LHA -> Archive name added. 78. FLT_DSQ.DMS -> Length added. 83. Denistro.exe -> Length added. 99. clx_doom.exe -> 'Unpacked' length added. 157. minidemo.exe -> Length added. 165. CED4 -> 'Unpacked' length added. 166. Dopus5.lha -> Length added. 167. nxs-tp4.lha -> Length added. - Removed the 'Type' topic in the list. Isn't necessary. Version 1.22 - (05-June-95) - 27 new names : 197 - 223 - 13 modifications to V1.21 filenames: 24 / 114b / 134 / 138 / 140b / 140c / 141 / 160 / 166b / 184b / 188b / 188c / 194b - Abbreviations for words like : Trojan, Unpacked, Packed, Filevirus, Link Virus, etc.. installed in the list. - Shortened almost every topic and skipped some. New format! Version 1.23 - (05-July-95) - 17 new names : 224 - 240 - 04 modifications to V1.22 filenames: 022 / 186 / 210 / 222 - 'Note to SHI' added. Version 1.24 - (05-Aug-95) - 39 new names : 241 - 279 - 22 modifications to V1.23 filenames: 004 / 017 / 019 / 059 / 064 / 065 / 068 / 076 / 079 / 093 / 145 / 146 / 147 / 158 / 160 / 173 / 219 / 225 / 232 / 235 / 236 / 256 - Dropped BootX. - VirusScanList is now brought to you with PGP signatures! - Polished many 'Extra Info' descriptions. Version 1.25 - (31-Aug-95) - 14 new names - 28 modifications to V1.24 filenames. - VirusScanList has changed from a plaintextfile to Amigaguide style. - Changed check of Mailversion signature, so there's no overwrite. - List is sorted alphabetically now. - Removed numbers in front of the names, as they're obsolete now. - New Icon for VirusScanList.Guide added. New names for VirusScanList 1.25 and the guide file: ptrack4b.lha protracker flatour1.dms flatour2.dms chkmnt.lha checkmount chkmount.lha checkmount lzx125.lha lzx_68000ec lzx_68020 lzx_68040 lha-1.92.lzx lha192re.lha m-hack.lha hack bloody.exe amosaga.lha aga-install.exe exhack.lha exhacker amirc execute rsrvmem